Here’s a neat front porch railing idea for adding some whimsy to your deck or front porch. This homeowner salvaged windows and turned them into decoration. These windows would probably have gone to the landfill so that’s an added green bonus. Plus, it’s cool to me so see old craftsmanship. Most old windows that are single pane glass required a lot of attention in the assembly. This is a really cool idea for a deck railing decoration.
Mountain Laurel CAD Railing Idea
We found an interesting post over at that showcased the picture below and explained its use in CAD drawings for multiple 2D and 3D CAD programs.
This type of CAD drawing is specifically important when designing new deck railing ideas because it allows the architect and owner to view the finished product and edit it to their liking before any nails are driven.
Innovative, Modern Railing Design
This contemporary railing design is becoming more and more common in schools, offices and homes alike. The minimal amount of material produces a less ‘cluttered’ appearance and provides the home with an aesthetically pleasing stair handrail. This style of railing is perfect for any home that is going for that ‘modern’ look.

Contemporary Staircase Railing Idea
I have seen this railing idea pop up in many of the newer offices and school buildings that I have visited. The railing gave the building an interesting ‘modern’ appearance without overwhelming the visitors.
Best Deck Railing Idea
This is really one of the best deck railing ideas ever. This handrail uses branches, sticks and twigs instead of boring square boards. You can also get water cut metal panels that are made into pretty much any design you can draw. But these branch railings kind of take on the shape of the forest from which the came.
cat on handrail
Drum roll please…
Presenting: Cat on a Handrail
The internet has a love for cats and I share mainly pictures of different handrails and railings. We’ve seen wavy banisters, which I’m hopeful will soon turn into a project with a wooden banister. I’ve shared lots of pictures of railings at sunset or sunrise or with the light just so. and of course plenty of Mountain Laurel Handrail.
But this is the first pic I’ve shared of a cat on a handrail.
And I know how much the internet loves cats.
outdoor railings

Log Cabin Railing Design
This is a picture from the latest deck railing project. This design was built on a log cabin in the mountains of Western North Carolina. There is really no other look as unique as a mountain laurel handrail!
Timber Frame Deck Railing
mountain laurel handrails are like the lace on a wedding gown.
They give this deck a super special look and are the “WOW” factor!
deck railing on man caves
I’m excited to share that I was in the NYC area recently filming for an episode of Man Caves.
We had a great time filming with the crew and put up some great work.
This is the first exterior Man Cave and it has an awesome deck railing!
timber frame deck railing
This picture is of a house in Washington state with mountain laurel handrails installed. The cedar boards are stained the same color as the cedar siding for a flawless exterior. The handrails on this timber frame porch traveled from the Smoky Mountains and really set this home apart.